The Day I Hacked Nick

I will say this, and I will say it again. SpongeBob SquarePants will always be my favorite show. So, one day I got bored and decided to hack the Nick site. After hacking, I changed the background to a picture of a naked lady, and then I chuckled slightly at the morbid joke. Tons of children were talking about it, while looking in the comments of a certain SpongeBob video.

''CononDude124: ""Wow. I can't believe Nick would do this. That's fucked up in the head, indeed""''

''Pewdiefan43: ""I know dude.... but maybe somebody hacked the site, like a hacker or something""''

I watched the comments, until they grew to 129 comments, I was shocked. The latest comment was from "sataniswatching666," who said this:  

''sataniswatching666: ""Wow, Jonathan did a good things, and you guys made fun of him, cucks""''

Sataniswatching666 was indeed my friend, Eric from school. I reightherdd an account, and replied.  

''InsanePenis666: "I know. Thanks Sataniswatching666"''

Suddenly the Sataniswatching666's comment was deleted by admins, along with the comment that said "''fuck''".  
"I guess those cucks at Nick took down our garbage," I said chuckling. Indeed I hated Nickelodeon ever since they've got rid of Rocko, Hey Arnold, CatDog, and others. After looking into the Nick site, I saw I was blocked for good, but I hacked the site again, changing SpongeBob to a Penis with eyes. 
Some kids complained, but this time, the Nick staff didn't change shit. Then the website crashed, leading me to a Porn site called "". The name sent shivers down my spine, and I began to sing. 
"Spooky, scary skeletons  send shivers down your spine  Shrieking skulls will shock your soul  Seal your doom tonight 
Spooky, scary skeletons  speak with such a screech  You'll shake and shudder in surprise  when you hear these zombies shriek 
We're so sorry, skeletons  You're so misunderstood  You only want to socialize  (but I don't think we should) 
'Cause Spooky, scary skeletons  shout startling, shrilly screams  They'll sneak from their sarcophagus  and just won't leave you be" 
Then, a skeleton popped out and killed me.